WAKEFIELD, MA – April 15, 2014 - EndLayer.com, a high performance fully-managed website hosting provider for small and large online retailers, announced today the introduction of their new Shared Performance Cloud (SPC) & Shared Performance Metal (SPM) hosting offering to help e-commerce website owners take advantage of the latest technologies available to them – ensuring fast page loading times and 100% up-time for their websites.
The EndLayer.com Shared Performance Hosting offering provides online retailers with the latest in available server side technologies, aimed at providing blazing fast page loading times, 4x’s daily backups of valuable client data, enterprise-class security monitoring, and 24x7x365 technical support for an affordable price.
“Specializing in Magento, Wordpress, OpenCart, Joomla, and many other e-commerce platforms gives us the ability to concentrate our efforts, thus ensuring top of the line performance for websites of any complexity,” says Michael Farin, Co-Founder of EndLayer.com.
Accounting for the rising demand for “cloud hosting” solutions, EndLayer now offers both cloud-based and bare-metal hosting solutions.
EndLayer's Shared Performance Cloud (SPC) plan is designed at its core for scalability and reliability. The technology behind the cloud allows for servers to scale almost infinitely in response to growing demand. SPC-hosted websites will have peak times and low times, and the cloud can account for that all while saving you money on hosting costs. EndLayer SPC plans start as low as $49/month.
EndLayer's Shared Performance Metal (SPM) plans are geared for maximum performance, use bare metal servers, & have full and exclusive access to their available resources (ex: access to local high-speed disk space, no hyper-visor that adds to overhead, etc.) This combination delivers incomparable speed, security, and reliability for your e-commerce website. EndLayer SPM plans start as low as $89/month.
“We have been designing, developing, and hosting websites for clients since 1999. When we founded EndLayer, our goal was to ensure that no e-commerce store owner would have to settle for subpar hosting plans that could have a negative impact on their business. At EndLayer, all of our plans are completely optimized to handle even the largest traffic spikes, ensuring that our client’s websites remain online in the most important of times,” says Farin.
“With the introduction of our new fully-managed Shared Performance hosting offering, e-commerce store owners can now rest assured that EndLayer is hard at work protecting their servers, ensuring top speeds & optimizing for performance around the clock.”
All EndLayer plans come standard with the following:
“According to an Aberdeen Group study, just a 1-second page load delay can cause a 7% decrease in your conversion rate, a 16% decrease in visitor satisfaction, and 11% fewer page views. Google even grades faster sites higher in their search rankings. With each second delay in loading your website, the likelihood of your visitors leaving your website & finding their information elsewhere increases,” says Farin.
Armed with this data, EndLayer is determined to ensure that every e-commerce website has the tools and information available to them to make educated decisions about their hosting environment.
EndLayer.com’s website & educational blog are accessible 24/7 and available across all online devices, including smartphones, tablets and desktops. The team at EndLayer truly cares about your success. EndLayer wants your company to grow and they want to be along for the ride.
For more information about EndLayer’s Shared Performance Hosting offering, visit www.EndLayer.com. To contact EndLayer.com directly, call 1-855-363-5293 or e-mail fans@endlayer.com.
About EndLayer.com
Founded in 2013, EndLayer.com specializes in high performance website hosting for e-commerce websites. Backed by world-class IT professionals with 40 years of combined industry experience, EndLayer offers some of the fastest shared performance hosting solutions in the world. EndLayer's focus is not to try and undercut a competitor's price to win your business. EndLayer is different. By utilizing their in-depth knowledge of websites, e-mail, and e-commerce requirements, EndLayer is able to customize and optimize the best hosting environment for your business. From small to large – local businesses to Fortune 500 – EndLayer has the experience to make IT happen.
May 27, 2014
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